» Know Before You Go

Know Before You Go

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Don't be nervous about your first time at physical therapy

Learn exactly what goes on and what to expect during your first appointment at Balance Physical Therapy.

What to bring the first time

When you come to Balance Physical Therapy for your very first time, it is a good idea to show up 15 minutes early to allow for enough time to fill out any remaining paperwork and to ensure that you get optimal face-to-face time with your therapist. There are a few things you will need to get started:

  • Prescription/Script: After consulting with your physician, you should be provided with a prescription for physical therapy. This may come for either your primary care doctor or a specialist. This may simply be a piece of paper that says "evaluate & treat" or it may include very specific instructions from your doctor.  If you don't have this on hand, it does not necessarily mean that you need to take another trip to your doctor's office to get it. It may just be a phone call away; your doctor may fax to 508-273-9943 or email it to balanceptwareham@gmail.com
  • Referral: Some insurances require a referral from your primary care physician (PCP). This helps to make sure your physical therapy treatment is covered by the insurance company and not costing you too much out-of-pocket cost. Once again, no worries if you do not have this just yet...we will make every effort to take care of it behind the scenes and will only ask for your help if for some reason we are unsuccessful getting in touch wih your doctor.
  • Insurance Cards & Photo ID
  • X-Rays/MRIs/Other Medical Records that will give us greater insight into the presentation and history of your condition.

Tips for every physical therapy session

  • Wear Sneakers - Please NO heels, sandals, boots, crocs, etc.  These do not provide support for exercise and may even contribute to certain conditions such as back pain and foot or leg problems. Trying to pedal a stationary bike with snowboots isn't pretty.  Trust us, we've seen it.
  • Wear Appropriate Clothing: Keep in mind the body part you will be treating for: Is it easy to move around? Dressing in loose, comfortable clothes and layers helps make physical therapy go a little smoother. For example, wearing shorts for a knee injury or a tank-top for a rotator cuff injury would be ideal for your therapy session. 
  • Come ready to work: You'll see better results when you give your therapy session your best effort! This doesn't mean you won't be having fun, we have plenty of that around here!
  • If you are taking pain medication - whether it's ibuprofen or something stronger - be sure to let your therapist know!  Pain meds dull not only pain sensations but also sensations of stretch and strength, especially if you take them right before your session.  What may seem easy while the pain meds are working may be near impossible without them.  It is very easy to push yourself too far without realizing it which can lead to increased pain and soreness.  And in this case, PAIN DOES NOT MEAN GAIN!  


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